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  2. /Enroute Charts

Enroute Charts

IntroductionRead the “Introduction” section

Navigraph Enroute Tiles is a tile-server using the Web Mercator projection that can be accessed on behalf of subscribed users. The server is responsible for serving 256 x 256 px PNG-tiles in double resolution for high-dpi screens, image dimensions in 72ppi are 512 x 512 px.

The enroute maps has multiple zoom levels for every location, with 0 being a view of the entire world and 18 being the deepest zoom level. So at zoom level 0, there exist only 1 tile for the entire world. At zoom level 2, there exists four tiles. So for every zoom in, we divide the tile from upper layer into 4 pieces.

Requesting tilesRead the “Requesting tiles” section

The URL is formed like<layer>/<Z>/<X>/<Y>[@2x].png

Z is the zoom level, and X and Y identify the tile in the 2D coordinate system. If double resolution tiles are desired, add @2x just before the file suffix. The layer is used to select one out of currently 8 available tile-sets:

ifr.hi.dayEnroute Map High Airways Day
ifr.hi.nightEnroute Map High Airways Night
ifr.lo.dayEnroute Map Low Airways Day
ifr.lo.nightEnroute Map Low Airways Night
vfr.dayVFR Map Day
vfr.nightVFR Map Night
world.dayWorld Map Day
world.nightWorld Map Night

AuthenticationRead the “Authentication” section

The tiles are safeguarded through three signed cookies: Cloudfront-Policy, CloudFront-Signature, and CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id. In order to successfully download the tiles, you need to retrieve these cookies and include them in your requests to the tile server. Similar to the Access Token, these cookies expire after one hour. Hence, they are provided from the endpoint simultaneously when you obtain the Access Token upon logging in or refresh. To enable this behavior, you must include the tiles scope in the authentication request along with other scopes.

When working in a browser environment or using a webview to display the tiles, the cookies will be automatically set in the browser through the use of Set-Cookie headers.

If you are making your own implementation of a map-renderer in a non-browser environment you need to extract the cookies from the response and add them to your requests manually.

There are many libraries that are compatible with the mapserver. A popular choice for javascript/browser environments is Leaflet which is licensed under the [2-Clause BSD License](The 2-Clause BSD License | Open Source Initiative)